◄ Sea Lion ►

(n.) Any one of several large species of seals of the family Otariidae native of the Pacific Ocean, especially the southern sea lion (Otaria jubata) of the South American coast; the northern sea lion (Eumetopias Stelleri) found from California to Japan; and the black, or California, sea lion (Zalophus Californianus), which is common on the rocks near San Francisco.

Loch Ness monster alevin benthon benthos cetacean crustacean dolphin dugong fingerling fish fry game fish grilse harbor seal kipper man-eater man-eating shark manatee minnow minny nekton octopus panfish plankton porpoise salmon sea dog sea lion sea monster sea pig sea serpent sea snake sea urchin seal shark shellfish smolt sponge squid tropical fish walrus whale


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